15 July 2016

Mr Magoo has nothing on you!

This one is for all the myopic crafters and artists out there - yep, I have the eyesight of a mole without my trusty contacts or specs!  And having just had my annual visit to the opticians today (no prescription change, yeay) I thought this goofy little guy was rather appropriate.

As is my thing these days, I have opted for the "no-lines colouring" technique.  This stamp is quite small and delicate and I felt dark lines would have overpowered the image too much.  I also kept the background very subtle, opting for pale colours and using a squiggly/dot pattern so the main focus is on Mr Turtle whilst he tries to impress the hamburger with his awesome chat up lines!!!

Turtle Shell/Burger Bun: E40, E41, E50, E70, YR30, E42, E43
Turtle Body: BG90, BG93, YG91, YG93
Glasses: B0000, C00
Hearts: R22, R35, W2
Burger: G12, G20, E31, E74, E77, E79, YG91, W2, Y32
Chip bag: B0000, C00, C0, C1, C2, C4, V20, YR30
Fries: E30, E40, E42, E44, E50, E51, E53, YR30, W6
Background: W00, W0, W1, W2, W4, BG0000, YR30

Stamps: Hamburger/Turtle??? by Peddlers Pack***
Paper: Personal Impressions Smooth White Card
Colouring Medium: Copic Markers
Size of card: 3.5inch/ 8.8cm square

*** Oh my, so many of you are asking about this little turtle and where you can buy him!  Now please be aware, I bought this wooden stamp many years ago from a store in the UK that has since closed.  I have sent Peddlers Pack an email today asking as to whether they still make this stamp and will post their response on this blog as soon as I hear from them!

UPDATE 29/7 
Sadly, Peddlers Pack have never responded to either my email or FB message.  Thankfully however, I have just been told by one of my readers that Peddlers Pack do in fact still make the stamp!  It would appear you need to call them directly and speak to the owner of the store to get it.

Thanks for visiting today, I hope this little guy made you smile - 'cause that's what art should do, right?


  1. OMG love your card the colours and the image are awesome..your colouring is CRAZY AWESOME but always is..put a smile on my face!!!!

  2. this is one amazing project! Love the soft lines and the stamp! Great job. And it certainly put a smile on my face, just what we need in these times with all the violence. (Thinking of Nice)


  3. I've got tears rolling down my face from giggling here - this is beyond superb hunny! I am so in love with this. Stunning artwork, as always. Hugs xx

  4. Turtles are my favorite. Love it… Your no lines coloring is wonderful!!

  5. love your work! hope to get the chance to have a piece of your work someday!

  6. This is so cute, I love it! Creative Blessings, Tracy x

  7. I lov this! Are you sure about Peddlers Pac for the stamp? I can't find it. Thanks.

  8. Love the soft no line coloring! Would Love to get this stamp, but I couldn't find it either....I'll check back or you can visit my blog and leave me a message there. ( limegreengiggles.com )

  9. Same here, couldn't find this stamp at Peddlers Pack.

  10. Adorable stamp where can you get it

  11. OMGosh so cute, I hope we can get some, thanks for trying.

  12. Eeek! This is SO cute, I really love it... what a fun image and gorgeous colouring as always :o) Hugs, Lisa x

  13. Awesome card and I have been in awe of your colouring for ages, like jaw drop in awe. Thank you so much for dropping by my blog and leaving me a comment, I'm melting to death at work here so it totally made my day! :) xx

  14. So fun! As usual your coloring is spectacular!

  15. As usual, stunning colouring. Fabulous card and a fun image.

  16. I talked to the people at Peddler's Pack today. They still make the stamp!! You need to call and talk to the owner of the store to get it. It is not on the webpage. Love this card! It made me smile.


  17. Ids this the Peddler's Pack in Oregon? or elsewhere?


Hello there, if you have any questions, requests or comments.........feel free to leave a message!